Heydent GmbH

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Dental Composite Overview

The right material for every situation!

We present four different composite materials, used for different situations. Each of them has different features, but all of them meet high quality standards and are "Made in Germany"

Composite Overview

HeyTec Komposite

  1. Nanohybrid HEYTEC-N / NR
  2. Nanoceramic HEYTEC-NC / Bleach(X)
  3. Hybrid HEYTEC-Universal
  4. Microhybrid HEYTEC-MR
  5. Bulk Fill HEYTEC-Bulk UD
  6. Flow viscous HEYTEC-Flow V

Modeling Liquid, H-Moli

Modeling Liquid

H-Moli is the solution to build up resin composite (RC) restorations, easy, fast & efficient.

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